Monday 24 April 2023

A Framework for DevSecOps Evolution and Achieving Continuous-Integration/Continuous-Delivery (CI/CD) Capabilities


The benefits of operating a development environment with continuous-integration and continuous-delivery (CI/CD) pipeline capabilities and DevSecOps practices are well documented. Leveraging DevSecOps practices and CI/CD pipelines enables organizations to respond to security and reliability events quickly and efficiently and to produce resilient and secure software on a predictable schedule and budget. Although the decision by management to adopt this methodology may be easy, the initial implementation and ongoing improvement of the methodology can be challenging and could result in incomplete adoption or ineffective implementation.

In this and a series of future blog posts, we provide a new framework to guide organizations in the planning and implementation of a roadmap to functional CI/CD pipeline capabilities.

This framework builds on well-established applications of DevSecOps principles and provides additional guidance for applying DevSecOps principles to infrastructure operations in an on-premises computing environment by providing an ordered approach toward implementing critical practices in the stages of adoption, implementation, improvement, and maintenance of that environment. The framework also focuses on the leverage of automation throughout the process.

The practices we outline are based on real experiences supporting on-premises development environments tailored to the missions of the sponsoring organizations. The framework we define here can also be adapted and applied to the process of leveraging commercially available cloud services to deploy a development environment.

While other sources have described various stages of the DevSecOps progression, such as the 5 Stages of DevOps Evolution outlined in the 2019 State of DevOps Report, they usually focus on the practices of development teams as they release their software to their customers, on operations teams responsible for the support of the software products developed in-house, and on the management perspectives that oversee such business activities. In so doing, these sources gloss over, omit, or ignore the difficulty associated with establishing the underlying infrastructure and tooling required by these teams to achieve the full Agile and DevSecOps visions. Our framework takes a different perspective, largely ignoring the developer and management perspectives that are already well defined in literature. Instead, we focus on the development and operations teams and their leverage of DevSecOps principles and tactics while implementing the CI/CD pipeline capabilities.

The Goal: CI/CD Pipelines

To contextualize the framework we have devised, it is important to underscore the value of CI/CD capabilities. The DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline is a socio-technical system composed of both software tools and processes. Ideally, it seamlessly integrates three traditional factions that sometimes have opposing interests: development values features, security values defensibility, and operations values stability. A DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline emerges when continuous integration of these three factions is used in conjunction with continuous delivery, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Fig 1 DevOps Evolution.png
Figure 1: The DevSecOps CI/CD Pipeline

The usage of a CI/CD pipeline is the cornerstone of a mature and robust DevSecOps environment. Likewise, a fully automated CI/CD pipeline is a best practice of Agile methods. From a practical standpoint, a CI/CD pipeline provides for the automatic vetting, building, testing, packaging, and delivery of a change to the desired destination. A problem in any of the stages of the pipeline is reported and fed back to the initiator of the change that caused the problem. The tools and processes used to accomplish the delivery may also be used to monitor and report on the status of any changes to a system.

A simple CI/CD pipeline involves these steps:

  1. A patch or new feature for a product is approved for implementation and assigned a priority for implementation.
  2. A human implements the patch or new feature and submits changes to a product in a version-control system.
  3. Submitted changes initiate automated build processes for the product.
  4. If build processes are successful, automated tests are executed on the product.
  5. If all tests are successful, a release package is produced.
  6. If packaging processes are successful, the release package is delivered manually to the production systems.
  7. Package deliveries initiate automated installation or upgrade processes for the product on the production systems.
  8. Over time, operations personnel implement and automate monitoring capabilities for the product.
  9. A human makes an observation about the product's functionality and requests a patch or a new feature in the product. This request is fed back to step 1.

Pipeline complexity may vary widely among organizations, and even between different teams within an organization, depending on factors such as the security requirements, available hardware and software resources, and the needs of the various stakeholders.

Considering the perspectives of those responsible for implementing the CI/CD capabilities, there is significant overlap with the traditional use of CI/CD pipelines. The following benefits refer specifically to those responsible for implementing the development environment. A CI/CD pipeline provides developers with consistent and immediate reporting of the validity of code changes in a software product. Likewise, a CI/CD pipeline provides operations teams with information about the efficacy of changes to system and application configurations. Armed with this information, development and operations personnel are better equipped to communicate project statuses, which can lead to improved collaboration among team members and across teams. This ultimately leads to enhanced software quality, better infrastructure resiliency, and increased throughput of value-add features and capabilities being delivered.

The CI/CD pipeline provides security teams with insight into changes to code, infrastructure, services, and applications. The capabilities that enable CI/CD pipelines lay the groundwork for the automation of metrics gathering and report generation. Reports can be disseminated quickly and escalated when necessary so that actionable events are amplified and given the attention they require. Incident-response procedures are streamlined by these capabilities and can even leverage the same collaboration tools used by development and operations teams.

Finally, the capabilities that enable the development and operations teams to monitor and track changes to their systems and applications effectively can also be leveraged to provide management with the data required to make informed decisions about the organization's investment in the on-premises or cloud-based computing environment, and in the efficacy of the development, operations, and security of the environment.

Roadmap Prerequisites

No standard implementation of a DevSecOps environment or a CI/CD pipeline exists that works for everyone. Each organization must therefore analyze its existing culture, its desired culture, its budget constraints, and its defined business cases, and use that information to select the implementation components that best advance its mission. Remember that a key goal of CI/CD pipelines is automation and a key goal of DevSecOps is to alert someone to a problem as early in the automated-delivery process as possible so that that person can intervene and resolve the issues with the automated processes. Some business cases to consider include security constraints, such as limited network access, strict physical-access requirements, and heightened system-security requirements. These considerations are critical during the planning phases of the implementation as the organization defines its development environment's desired end state.

If your organization has decided that running your development environment on premises is a requirement to your mission, then your organization can build out an environment specifically tailored to meet those needs. If your organization has decided to leverage a commercial cloud provider, you will be constrained by the features provided by the vendor, but will not have to bear the responsibility of maintaining that infrastructure. In either case, it is extremely important to have a well-defined end state in mind before implementation begins in order to avoid costly mistakes.

When defining and establishing a vision for the environment, designers should consider the ideal state of the development environment from the perspective of all stakeholders, including software architects, developers, system administrators, test and quality-assurance engineers, security officials, management, and end users.

From the perspective of the software-development team, the ideal development environment may include characteristics such as

  • access to the internet
  • access to code-repository, build, test-automation, and planning tools
  • access to a variety of open-source and commercial integrated development environments (IDEs)
  • access to commercial and open-source software repositories
  • access to a self-service interface where computing resources (virtual machines or containers) can be allocated with a selection of operating-system types and almost limitless memory, processing power, and disk space
  • full administrative control over computing resources used for development

From the perspective of the operations team, the ideal environment may include characteristics such as

  • a standardized set of physical hardware systems
  • a standardized set of operating systems
  • a standardized way of installing software
  • the ability to restrict access to various network locations, applications, and services
  • a robust monitoring and alerting infrastructure
  • a test environment that mirrors the production environment

From the perspective of the security team, the ideal environment may include characteristics such as

  • robust physical-access controls
  • well-defined change-management procedures
  • the ability to attribute actions to specific individuals
  • the ability to track security controls for each delivery
  • security-compliance metrics
  • security-alerting capabilities
  • automatic vulnerability remediation
  • well-defined incident-response procedures

The management perspective may require such considerations as overall system-health metrics, including

  • lead time that indicates responsiveness and will be affected by quality, productivity, and resource utilization
  • deployment frequency that indicates how often a new release is deployed into production
  • availability and time to recovery that indicates reliability
  • production failure, operational errors, and rework that indicate quality issues
  • exploits and attacks that are a lagging indicator of security issues
  • cost of operation, including capital expenditures and effort expenditures

These needs must be balanced with the available hardware and software technologies. Functionality is a foundational element of the environment, which means it is important to ensure that the overall system architecture of your environment is well suited to your end goal. Care must be taken to select physical hardware, operating systems, platforms, and software that are compatible with each other. Cost and feature sets should also be considered. There will be tradeoffs to consider and compromises to be made. These requirements hold true for both on-premises and cloud-hosted computing environments.

Roadmap to Full CI/CD

After you determine the desired end state for your development environment, you can start planning the roadmap that defines how you will achieve that end state. The to-do list will be substantial, and may be intimidating! In the true spirit of Agile, you must be ready to adapt as requirements change during the environment-deployment process. You will consider all tasks related to hardware setup, networking, system and service deployment and configuration, security compliance, automation, and ongoing maintenance and operation. During your roadmap planning, you will decide which features will be available early in the environment rollout and which will be released later.

The framework we have devised supports the ultimate goal of adopting DevSecOps practices that are mature enough to support fully automated CI/CD pipelines. It accomplishes this by outlining stages that progress from basic DevSecOps practices to more advanced ones. You will notice some similarities to the progression in the 5 Stages of DevOps Evolution as defined in the 2019 State of DevOps Report. However, as we get into the details, this framework is tailored to the deployment and operation of a development environment and contains practices specifically aimed at the development and operations teams charged with managing this environment.

The stages of our framework are

0. building the foundation
1. normalization
2. standardization
3. continuous integration and continuous testing
4. infrastructure as code and continuous delivery
5. automated security and compliance as code
6. automated compliance reporting and vulnerability remediation

The first important point to note is that each stage builds on the preceding stage as your organization improves its DevSecOps capabilities. Therefore, you will benefit the most by creating a roadmap that reflects the progression from stage to stage. More mature DevSecOps environments will ultimately implement the practices in the later stages.

The second important point to note is that the sequence of the stages advances the practices from manual to repeatable to automated. You will begin by performing tasks manually, then making those tasks repeatable, and finally automating them. Ultimately, you should strive to automate as many tasks as possible. Your roadmap should reflect this dynamic as well.

Finally, as you work through the stages of the framework to establish the roadmap for the deployment of your computing environment, you must continually be mindful of the cultural requirements of DevSecOps practices. Significant shifts in the culture include better communication among the teams, a commitment to collaborate on solving issues that impact all teams, and a shared feeling of responsibility for the delivery of the end products. All stakeholders--management, developers, operations, security--must be on board with the implementation of these cultural changes to do their part in implementing them. The roadmap must reflect this. Fortunately, these practices can be applied to any and all of the tasks involved in the deployment of, ongoing maintenance of, and future upgrades to the environment.

Our next post will provide high-level descriptions of each stage in the framework.


We offer these brief definitions to assist in understanding principles in the framework and why they are important. We encourage you to investigate these topics and principles further.


Agile is an umbrella term for a set of frameworks and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and the 12 Principles behind it.


The definition of DevSecOps is both complex and broad, and changes from organization to organization. For the scope of this post, we define DevSecOps as a personal and organizational mindset defining integrated development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops) processes for the rapid development, fielding, and operations of software and software-based systems, utilizing automation where feasible, to achieve the desired throughput of new features and capabilities in a secure way. It is built on top of the Agile principles of collaboration and communication and requires organizational culture changes beyond those required to achieve the fundamental Agile values and principles.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration (CI) is a core exercise when practicing DevSecOps. It occurs when team members are able to submit changes to a central repository at some regular, frequent interval.

Continuous delivery (CD) is the natural evolution of CI. It occurs when changes to a product are automatically validated and subsequently made available to the end users of that product with the confidence that the change operates as expected.

Additional Resources

Read more about SEI work in DevSecOps.

Read more about SEI work in Agile.

Read the SEI blog post, Continuous Integration in DevOps.

Read the SEI blog post, Why You Should Apply Agile-DevOps Earlier in the Lifecycle.

Read the SEI blog post, Integrating Your Development and Application Security Pipelines Through DevOps.

View this blog post on CMU's KiltHub repository at

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Installing Jenkins on Windows with IIS. HTTPS configuration.

 This post gives you an overview how to install Jenkins on Windows using IIS and reverse proxy.

Jenkins installation

Jenkins installation is pretty simple. Go to, download the latest version of Jenkins for Windows and install it.
By default, Jenkins will be available on 8080 port. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. It is the address where Jenkins is running.

Setting up IIS

To setup reverse proxy you need to install the following IIS plugins:
Click on links above and you will be navigated to official installation source for both IIS plugins.

Reverse proxy for Jenkins

First of all, we need to create a new website. Create a new one with the name 'Jenkins'. After installation of IIS plugins, you should be able to configure a reverse proxy.

Follow the instructions from to setup HTTPS to HTTP reverse proxy for Jenkins.

HTTPS configuration

We will use Let’s Encrypt for certificate generation. Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. And Certify tool to manage certificates.
  1. Download from and install it.
  2. Click 'New Certificate', choose your IIS site (which must have 1 or more hostname bindings set). Save your settings and click 'Request Certificate'
  3. All done! Click 'Configure Auto Renew' to set up the scheduled task for renewals.


Now we have a basic setup for Jenkins on IIS with HTTPS support.
This page is copied from below reference url

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Certificate Dumps


Monday 8 August 2022

What is AUTOSAR MCAL? Learn about the Software Architecture, Device Drivers & MCAL Development


This blog is part of our series on understanding AUTOSAR better. Our Automotive Product Engineering team, who has in-depth AUTOSAR expertise, will help us understand the essential components of the layered architecture of AUTOSAR.

To kick start our journey of learning more about AUTOSAR, in this blog we will first focus on AUTOSAR MCAL.

Understanding the Basics of AUTOSAR MCAL Architecture:

MCAL stands for Microcontroller Abstraction Layer. In the context of embedded software development, the MCAL can be defined as follows:

MCAL is a software module that has direct access to all the on-chip MCU peripheral modules and external devices,which are mapped to memory. And it makes the upper software layers (Basic software layer, or BSW, Application Layer) independent of the MCU.

(Source – Renesas)

MCAL enables a very significant advantage of the layered architecture of the AUTOSAR compliant design – it makes the application and also the middleware (Basic Software layer) independent of the underlying hardware platform.

This renders immense benefit to the product development cost and time, as there is a shift in the ECU design approach from coding to configuration.

Software Architecture of AUTOSAR MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer):


MCAL has a range of software modules designed to serve a particular purpose. Each Software Module (Driver) accesses the corresponding On-chip peripheral function. For instance, CAN Driver will ensure that CAN messages can be received and transmitted by the MCU.

What are the Different Device Drivers of AUTOSAR MCAL Module?

Microcontroller Drivers:

  • GPT Driver: GPT (General Purpose Timer) device driver uses on-chip MCU timer. Initializes GPT and performs timer count.
  • WDG Driver: WDG (Watchdog) Driver, this on-chip device driver Initializes WDG and performs WDG mode settings.
  • MCU Driver: MCU (Micro Controller Unit) Driver, this device driver helps configure MCU settings, initializes clock and helps configure power mode settings.

Memory Drivers

  • FLS Driver: FLS (Flash) Driver initializes FLS and reads/writes to FLS memory.

Communication Drivers

  • SPI Handler/Driver: SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a Handler/Driver Device with on-chip clock serial function that Initializes SPI, performs SPI input/output and SPI I/O buffer settings
  • LIN Driver: LIN (Local Interconnected network) is a device driver that initializes LIN and performs LIN input/output.
  • CAN Driver: CAN (Controller Area Network) is a device driver that initializes CAN and performs CAN input/output.
  • FlexRay Driver: FlexRaydevice driver initializes FlexRay and performs FlexRay input/output.
  • Ethernet Driver: Ethernet device driver initializes Ethernet Driver and performs Ethernet Driver input/output.

I/O Drivers

  • ICU Driver: ICU (Input Capture Unit) is a device driver using on-chip MCU timer and initializes ICU. It also measures PWM waveforms.
  • PWM Driver: PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is a device driver using on-chip MCU timer. It initializes PWM and sends PWM waveforms as output
  • ADC Driver: ADC (Analog Digital Converter) is a device driver for on-chip ADC. It Initializes ADC, starts/stops AD conversion, sets AD conversion result buffer and reads AD conversion results.
  • DIO Driver:DIO (Digital Input/Output) is an MCU port device driver thatperforms port signal (input/output).
  • PORT Driver:PORT Driver is a MCU port device driver that performs MCU pin settings (I/O, shared functions)

Development and Configuration of AUTOSAR MCAL

All the MCAL drivers are designed for a specific microcontroller platform. This is because the device drivers access the on-chip peripherals of the system MCU.

As a result, every microcontroller comes equipped with its very ownMCALsoftware.

This MCAL software (which is part of the package that includes the hardware platform) now needs to be configured for the specific automotive application.

For example, CAN BUS (MCAL) driver needs to be configured for in-vehicle networking application. Similarly, several drivers like LIN BUS, FlexRay, PWM, SPI, and Ethernet have to be configured based on specific requirements of an automotive application.

The configuration of these drivers is carried out by using specialized tools for code generation and configuration.

Let’s understand the process of AUTOSAR MCAL driver development and configuration, in detail:

The following three steps are involved in this process:

  1. Configuration and Code Generation for AUTOSAR MCAL Drivers
  2. AUTOSAR MCAL Driver Development
  3. Testing and Validation of AUTOSAR MCAL Drivers

Let’s explore them!

  1. Configuration and Code Generation for MCAL Drivers: Configuration of MCAL drivers implies configuration of certain parameters associated with a particular MCAL driver. An example with help you understand better.A CAN MCAL driver needs to be configured with specific baud rates depending on the application. Here, the baud rate is the parameter that must be configured.

    In order to carry out this configuration, the developers require the following files and tools:

    • Parameter Definition File (PDF): This file consists of the parameters to be configured for the MCAL driver. This file contains the description of the parameters as well as their min and max values.PDF is created in .XML or .arxml format so that it can be accessed by the tools. In case of a CAN BUS Driver, the PDF will have the baud rate range of the driver.
    • Configuration Tool: The PDF file is an input for the AUTOSAR configuration tool. As the tool is equipped with a graphical user interface (GUI), loading the PDF into it and subsequent configuration becomes easy.
    • Code Generation Tool: The Code Generation Tool runs in the background of the Configuration Tool and is responsible for processing of Parameter Definition File (PDF).It is a Perl/Python script that takes in PDF as the input and gives Post Build and Pre Config source files (*_PBCfg.c / *_PBCfg.h and *_Cfg.h) as outputs. Another output, called the ECU description file is also generated.

    Let’s analyze the outputs now!

    • Configuration Source Files: These source files consist of structures with elements such as configuration values. These configuration files are generated based on the values specified in the Parameters Definition File. The configuration values need to be fed to the peripheral registers, address pointers, macro definition, etc.
    • ECU Description Files: This file is similar to Parameter Definition File in terms of format (xml/arxml). The only difference is that the parameters stored in this file are already configured.In a scenario, where an AUTOSAR MCAL Driver development project is shared within different teams, ECU Desc file acts as an input to the Code Generation Tool.

      In such cases, this tool is not a part of Configuration Tool.

  2. AUTOSAR MCAL Driver DevelopmentDriver Static Code is the core MCAL driver that enables access to the on-chip peripherals of the microcontroller.

    The Driver Static Code file has an extension .c [dot c].

    For example, the- driver static code for CAN BUS Driver will be CAN.c. Similarly, for a General Input/Output, it will be GPIO.c and so on.

    This .c file along with the Configuration Source file (Obtained in Step1), together act as an AUTOSAR MCAL Driver, which is configured for a particular automotive application.

    Driver Static Code is developed based on requirements specified in AUTOSAR MCAL Driver Software Specifications along with the Microcontroller Hardware Specification.

    The AUTOSAR MCAL Driver Software Specification consists of every software requirement that needs to be met by the MCAL Driver. It consists of API details, parameters to be passed to the API and their return value.

    Details like Data Types to be used and Configurable Parameters to be provided, can also be found in this specification.

    Considering all these specifications, the Driver Static Code is developed.

  3. Source Code Testing and Validation of the AUTOSAR MCAL DriverThe validation of the MCAL Drivers is important to keep the bugs at bay. The validation process involves creating a test bench using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a compiler.

    The PDF, Configuration Source File and the Driver Static Code are tested in this Test Environment.

    One important point to be noted here is that AUTOSAR BSW is required for scheduling of the MCAL Driver verification. In its absence, stub files need to be created that replicates AUTOSAR BSW with similar APIs.

    Test Applications Files are written using the compiler or the IDE to test functions of the MCAL Driver Component.

    For instance, a separate test application needs to be written for CAN Driver to test if the ECU communication is happening uninterrupted. Similarly, test applications for memory functions, Input/Output, etc. also needs to be written.


Different layers of AUTOSAR architecture are developed independent of each other and MCAL Drivers are no exceptions. This is how the required abstraction and thus the standardization is achieved.
MCAL Drivers also command a lot of importance, as they are the bridge between the upper layers of AUTOSAR architecture and the microcontroller unit.

Related Posts on AUTOSAR Software Development

  • AUTOSAR Communication Stack (ComStack): Our AUTOSAR development team explains what are the different software modules of a Communication Stack (ComStack). Also, learn about the software modules of CAN based Communication Stack in AUTOSAR
  • AUTOSAR Memory Stack (MemStack): Get introduced to the various software modules of AUTOSAR Memory Stack (MemStack) that provide basic memory management services to the upper layers. Our AUTOSAR development team shares the basics of AUTOSAR 3.0 and 4.0
  • AUTOSAR Development partnership: Find out what is AUTOmotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) development partnership and why OEMs, Tier-I suppliers, Semiconductor Vendors and Embedded hardware and software service providers collaborated to form this global partnership

Thursday 28 July 2022

PSM-1 Links

Free PDF:


 Udemy Practice:


 Dumps Purchase: 

FREE: PDF By different people:

Tuesday 12 July 2022

AWS Game Day Migration and Modernization*all&awsf.filter-session-type=*all&awsf.filter-level=*all&awsf.filter-topic=*all&awsf.filter-industry=*all&awsf.filter-language=language%23english*all&awsf.filter-session-type=*all&awsf.filter-level=*all&awsf.filter-topic=*all&awsf.filter-industry=*all&awsf.filter-language=language%23english

AWS Hands On Lab Library


At AWS, we consider all are builders. The innovators, the collaborators, the creators. The ones who see what doesn’t exist, and then make it exist. We believe nothing should stand in the builder’s way, and dreams never have to turn off. With AWS, it’s time to build on.. Because we are aiming to build something better for the world. In this post, for you developers who would like to make your hands dirty, you can try these hands on lab which will create a sample application based on the technology that you like. Please explore and … GO BUILD!

Treasures!!!!! >>>>

Common Patterns used by Customers!

General resources:

Start from here: (Complete Overview Guide)

Sample App (Ready):

Very Good AWS Solutions (ready to be used):





Landing Zone & Migrations & Observability:

Database & Big Data & Data Lake:

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

ML/AI Personalized and Forecast: (demo)


Ready to use AI (Rekognition & Transcribe):



Huge resources:

One very good resource that I found, if you would like to do the “Hands-On” with AWS Well Architected Framework. You can check this link:

AWS Official channel for Getting Started Guide (Step by Step), Free Trainings, and Ready to Deploy Solutions:

My other Private resources: (can only be accessed if you have the credential, internal AWS account and in my personal Repository in Github, Gitlab, and CodeCommit)


While talkers Talk, builders Build! (Pssst…, here are some other “SECRET” hands-on-lab that you can try)

Shortcuts for learning the theory:
– Big Data:

My Demo Websites:

PS: This is a living document, I will try to keep this page updated!

Kind Regards,
Doddi Priyambodo